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Required Stuff
Stuff you need to know before you join


First of all your site has to be or have a huge part devoted to Obi-wan Kenobi, You have to be a female (I think you should've already have known that though) I will look at every site that you submit and if I think it is offensive in any sense of the word you shall not be added that I promise, but don't worry about it I think most everybody will pass and please wait for an e-mail becuase I literally get too much e-mail, but expect an e-mail within three to four days. I hope you enjoy this! .

Stuff I do not allow

Nothing that involves Obi-wan and Qui-gon sleeping together (Who thought of that one anyway!?! Obi-wan is like Qui-gon's son! That's quite sickening!) Nothing that involves nudity of any sort (What I mean is, not to become a pervert.) Cursing is all right just keep it to a minimum of every other word.